Thursday, July 8, 2010

52 Cartwheels

I woke up this morning with a ton of energy. Then I had 3 cups of coffee, now it feels like my blood is doing cartwheels! I've never been this full of energy! I wanna just go run a million miles! Today I'm heading off on an adventure with three of my friends, in which we will hopefully eat thai food, loiter in stores, and discover free soda cans!

Also, I found another really great band called Radical Face. They are a alternative/electric band but I've never heard anything else like them and I highly recommend listening to a few of their songs. And some good old Disney songs and show tunes, because they are incredibly fun to sing along with!

Before my summer is over I'm hoping to complete one BIG project, so if you have any cool ideas let me know, I'm feeling the need to start accomplishing things!

Don't drink too much coffee!


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