Sunday, March 13, 2011

My life was possibly out of control. Minus the possibly.

So I had a weird few months, and for the very first time in a long long time I am clean and sober, and bulimia free. I read a lot now, and I spend a lot of time with my older sister Emily.

I kinda fucked up alot recently, and I went to a mental hospital twice, and now I'm in drug rehab. I regret everything. For the longest time I thought I could only be cool by using drugs. WRONG.

I'm getting my life back together. Hopefully a year from now I'll be moving to a farm in Oregan with my sister. I'm starting over right now, but I hate going to the school I go to. I really just want to be free.

Oh and if anyone knows any random ways to make money they should let me know, because moving to Oregon is NOT going to be cheap. I have to buy a bed, other furniture, a laptop, and earn it all in a year.

I can do this.

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