Saturday, May 1, 2010

Peaches, Mangos, and Hiking Boots

Today officially starts my countdown until summer! I have struggled through a long, cold Colorado winter and I am now declaring the end of it!

It is time to break out the refreshing fruits! I love peaches and mangos, especially with sticky rice! Summer is also the best time to do my three favorite sports! Capoeira, swimming, and hiking! My goal this summer is to climb at LEAST four 14er's. For those of you who don't know what a 14er is, it's a mountain that is higher than 14,000 feet. I've climbed 6 of them so far, which is really pathetic... but I will climb on until I have climbed the entire front range, or maybe just 10 of them.

There are actually many things I am trying to finish by the end of August, and hopefully I can get through all of them. Curious? Well I guess you will have to stay posted as I complete my victories!

Love and Glimmering Stars,

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