Thursday, June 24, 2010

Living in a fishbowl

These past few weeks have been packed, but I can't remember what they were packed with. There's swimming every morning and capoeira whenever I have time. I'm learning to play Stairway to Heaven. The TAB on that song is so freaking long! I'll never memorize it all!

So I've begun to try to think that we all have so little control over our lives that why don't we just live up the time we have. We each get about 70 good years of living, and why would you waste them on trying to achieve society's idea of perfection? People waste their entire lives on working and trying to get more material things. But if you have clothes on your back, food to eat, and a place to sleep, then you have everything that you need. From there on out it should all be about doing what makes you happiest!

And I can't wait to go to California!


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