Friday, April 9, 2010

ABC Soup

So this is my first post and all... so I'll just start with the current times!

I think that ABC Soup is the best invention. yes, most soups are good, but who in the world does not want to eat soup that you can spell things with?? I'm having myself a bowl right now, yumm!

In exactly 30 minutes I am going on a life adventure to the Rocky Mountains! It's my goal to learn to snowboard, in one day! Unfortuatly, the chances of me becoming the next Shaun White (who i LOVE LOVE LOVE!) in one day are pretty low, since I sprained my shoulder 2 days ago doing Capoeria.

Whats Capoeria?? Well... its awesome, and brazilian...take a look....

So i guess you know a tiny little bit about me now, maybe you'll learn more in times to come!

Peace & Glimmering Stars,


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