Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Irony in the Dullest of Moments

Have you ever noticed that whenever one person in your life finds their significant other, that about 20 more do at the same time? At this same moment, you realize that you're the odd one out! Springtime makes people all lovey dovey, which is great! Unless you have to see them canoodling wherever you go, and the the closest thing you have to a canoodling partner is your pillows!

Without out of my system.... I found my new favorite "trend" today. People who cover their cars in bumper stickers! I love it! Everything needs more color in the world, especially cars, because I can bet that nobody has ever seen a colorful car since the 1970s. It's tragic. I firmly believe that the 80s killed everything that the 60s and 70s fought for; good music, good times, good friends, and good love!

That must be all for now, I've got some Thai iced tea to make!

Love & Glimmering Stars,

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